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Soegijapranata Student

Career Center

About SSCC

SSCC is an integral part of Soegijapranata Catholic University which functions as a bridge between the University and the working world in the industrial world. SSCC aims to facilitate the growth and development of students' soft skills so they are ready to enter the working world through comprehensive career services. 

Our Services

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Contact Us

Jl. Pawiyatan Luhur IV/1, RT 04 RW V Kel. Bendan Duwur, Kec. Gajahmungkur, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50234

0877 2513 7570

Jobfair service, job vacancy & campus hiring information

0812 3495 2573

Tracer study & career counseling services

Development of Soft Skills

SSCC provides online and offline work-ready soft skills training for students to enhance self-development and preparation for the world of work. 

There is a short training of 4 hours duration for two main chosen topics: Making/reviewing Curriculum Vitae and Facing a Job Interview , while the full 2-day training with broader material. Trainers or facilitators for this activity are lecturers/trainees who are trained and are always updated about conditions in the working world.edangkan pelatihan full 2 hari dengan materi yang lebih luas. Trainer atau fasilitator kegiatan ini adalah dosen/ tendik yang terlatih dan selalu update tentang kondisi dunia kerja.

Career Seminars

Career seminars are held every time before graduation or ahead of the job fair, which present internal and external sources directly from the working world. The topics presented are current topics regarding the needs of the working world with self-competence, with the aim of increasing the readiness of students and alumni when entering the world of work.

Job Fairs

SSCC also holds job fairs, which are activities aimed at bringing together SCU students/alumni with various companies and work organizations. This job fair provides an opportunity for participants to establish direct contact with relevant companies that partner with SSCC and obtain information about available job opportunities.

Since SSCC was established in 2002 until now, 37 job fairs have been held (30 offline job fairs, 6 virtual job fairs, 1 hybrid job fair). Even during the pandemic, SSCC continued to serve job fairs in virtual form under the name VUJIF (Virtual Unika Job and Internship Fair) while still using the jobfair.unika.ac.id system which was developed seriously.

Saat pandemic pun SSCC tetap melayani job fair dalam wujud Virtual dengan nama VUJIF (Virtual Unika Job and Internship Fair) dengan tetap menggunakan system jobfair.unika.ac.id yang dikembangkan secara serius.

Non MBKM Internships

Partner companies sometimes ask SSCC for help in bridging students so they can carry out internships at their companies, whether it is just in the form of sharing internship vacancies, or even from the publication of internship vacancies to recruitment and acceptance of students for internships.

Campus Hiring & Sharing Knowledge

The campus hiring & knowledge sharing activity is a two-way initiative in which partner companies visit the SCU campus to recruit potential students and alumni. In addition, companies have the opportunity to greet SCU students & alumni deeper so that they are recognized by students & alumni and students make them the target as their job opportunities in the future.

Tracer Study

Activities that are prioritized because they have the potential to provide data for accreditation of study programs, faculties and tertiary institutions are tracer studies or alumni tracking. In addition, tracer studies will be able to help study programs, faculties and universities evaluate existing policies through the presence of graduates in the working world.

This activity really needs a positive response from alumni to be willing to fill out a questionnaire regarding their workplace by accessing hello alumni: hani.unika.ac.id. The success of a high response rate is also determined by the role of the study program/faculty management.

User Surveys

Services that are closely related to tracer studies are user surveys, which are polling activities for alumni users where alumni work. The User Survey determines the quality and performance of graduates as well as input from users to study programs in order to improve the quality of learning materials and methods.

Career Counseling

Students are interested in this activity. They use it in managing/planning their careers from the beginning of college, the final semester or alumni which will determine their choice of workplace.